International businesses fascinated and engaged Dubai to penetrate in the section of foreign citizens to start their business firms or companies in Dubai and around the United Arab Emirates.

A good place and a magnificent city which attracts foreign investors to kick start their dream job out is the United Arab Emirates. Those who are passionate to come out of their comfort native countries and driven positively to establish a firm in Dubai for selling their products and do service oriented business are easily attracted here. Its appreciative tax and easy license procedure makes Dubai an ideal location. To set up business in Dubai, like every other business establishment does, we have an accurate license.

Make a complete activity structure of the company as the initial and foremost stage while applying for a license. The second stage is to enroll localite service providers for maintaining and carrying out all the legal processes of your soon to be established company and to apply for license.

The Department of Economic Development gives an acceptance for the first stage. They further call for an appointment. Your chosen trade or company name approved by the authority and the listed documents and records to be submitted will be given to the DED for trading acceptance.

List of Documents necessary Professional license in Dubai

An agreement letter issued by the local service authority has to be filled. Seek the guidance of a localite who does business already or an expert agent.

  • The filled up form is further appeared to the notary public authority for signing and stamping.
  • MoA, which is Memorandum of Association, will be mandatorily done as an agreement document with the sponsoring person.
  • The document that is done in Arabic language must not need a seal of legal translation.
  • Sponsorship and profit shares are considered and mentioned in the agreement form.
  • Presenting every business partner for the signature of the registrar or allotted authority makes another agreement done.
  • Tenant pact is to be acquired well before.
  • No documents are left without proper attestation.
  • All the partners copy of passports
  • By finishing all these, get your license

Blackswan Business Setup can help you in Business Setup in Dubai, You can get professional license in Dubai mainland and Dubai free zone

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Originally posted 2022-03-09 05:18:08.

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