Dubai is a hub for businesses, attracting entrepreneurs and companies from around the world. One of the thriving sectors in Dubai is human resources (HR) consultancy, where firms help other businesses manage their human capital effectively. If you’re considering starting an HR consultancy in Dubai, you’ll need to obtain an HR consultancy license. This article will guide you through the process, providing essential information and tips to ensure a smooth application.

Understanding the HR Consultancy License

An HR consultancy license in Dubai allows you to offer various human resource services, including recruitment, employee training, performance management, and other HR-related services. The license is a legal requirement for any business that wishes to operate in the HR consultancy sector in Dubai.

There are two main types of licenses you can apply for in Dubai:

  • Mainland License: Issued by the Department of Economic Development (DED), this license allows you to operate anywhere in Dubai and work with both government and private sector clients.
  • Free Zone License: Issued by the authorities of specific free zones, this license allows you to operate within the boundaries of the chosen free zone. However, with certain exceptions, you may need a local agent to work with clients outside the free zone.

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Steps to Obtain an HR Consultancy License in Dubai

The process of obtaining an HR consultancy license in Dubai involves several steps. This comprehensive guide will assist you in navigating the procedure:

Decide on the Business Structure

You must choose the legal structure of your company before submitting an application for a license. The most common options are:

  • Sole Proprietorship: Ideal for a single owner who will have complete control over the business.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC): Suitable for businesses with two or more partners. This structure offers liability protection to the owners.
  • Civil Company: This structure is often chosen by professional service providers like consultants. It allows for multiple partners but requires a local service agent.

Choose a Trade Name

Selecting a trade name is an important step. The name should reflect the nature of your business and comply with the naming conventions set by the DED or the free zone authority. The trade name must be unique, not violate any public morals, and should not include any religious or political references.

Determine the Business Activities

You need to clearly define the activities your HR consultancy will engage in. The activities should align with the services you plan to offer, such as recruitment, HR management, training, and payroll services. Each activity must be listed on your license application.

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Choose the Location: Mainland or Free Zone

Choosing between a mainland or a free zone location is crucial. Both options have their advantages:

  • Mainland: Allows you to operate freely across Dubai, engage with government entities, and have no restrictions on the number of visas.
  • Free Zone: Offers 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and no customs duties. However, your operations might be limited to the free zone unless you appoint a local agent.

Submit the Initial Approval Request

Once you have finalized your business structure, trade name, and activities, the next step is to apply for initial approval. This step involves submitting an application to the DED or the relevant free zone authority. The initial approval indicates that the authorities have no objections to your business proposal, allowing you to proceed with the licensing process.

Draft a Memorandum of Association (MOA) or Local Service Agent Agreement

If you choose to set up an LLC or a civil company, you will need to draft a Memorandum of Association (MOA). The MOA outlines the roles and responsibilities of each partner and the distribution of profits and losses.

If you opt for a civil company, you will also need a local service agent agreement. The local service agent will represent your business in matters related to the government but will not hold any ownership in the company.

Secure Office Space

Having a physical office is a requirement for obtaining an HR consultancy license. For a mainland business, you will need to lease or purchase office space that meets the DED’s requirements. If you are setting up in a free zone, you can rent office space within the free zone. Some free zones also offer flexi-desk or virtual office options, which are more cost-effective for startups.

Obtain the Necessary Approvals

In addition to the initial approval, you may need to obtain additional approvals from relevant authorities, depending on your business activities. For example, if you plan to offer recruitment services, you may need approval from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

Submit the Final License Application

After securing all the necessary approvals and office space, you can submit the final license application to the DED or the free zone authority. This application should include all required documents, such as:

  • Copy of the initial approval
  • Copy of the trade name reservation certificate
  • MOA or local service agent agreement
  • Lease agreement for the office space
  • Passport copies of the shareholders and managers
  • Any additional approvals from relevant authorities

Pay the Required Fees

Once your application is approved, you will need to pay the required fees to obtain your HR consultancy license. The fees vary depending on whether you are setting up in the mainland or a free zone, the size of your business, and the number of activities listed on your license.

Receive Your License and Start Operating

After the payment is processed, you will receive your HR consultancy license. With the license in hand, you can officially start operating your HR consultancy business in Dubai. Ensure that you comply with all local regulations and renew your license annually to avoid penalties.

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Benefits of Obtaining an HR Consultancy License in Dubai

Starting an HR consultancy in Dubai offers several benefits:

Growing Market

Dubai’s business environment is rapidly growing, with a high demand for HR consultancy services. Companies in Dubai are increasingly seeking professional HR services to manage their workforce, comply with local labor laws, and improve overall efficiency.

Strategic Location

Dubai’s strategic location as a gateway between East and West makes it an ideal hub for businesses targeting markets in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. An HR consultancy in Dubai can tap into a diverse client base across various industries.

Tax Advantages

Dubai offers significant tax advantages, including no personal income tax and low corporate tax rates. Additionally, free zones provide further tax exemptions, making it a financially attractive option for setting up a business.

Access to Talent

Dubai is home to a diverse and skilled workforce, attracting professionals from around the world. This provides HR consultancies with access to a broad pool of talent, making it easier to match clients with the right candidates.

Ease of Doing Business

Dubai ranks highly in terms of ease of doing business, with streamlined procedures for setting up and operating a company. The availability of various business support services and infrastructure further simplifies the process.

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Challenges to Consider

While there are many benefits to starting an HR consultancy in Dubai, there are also challenges to consider:

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the regulatory landscape in Dubai can be complex, especially for businesses new to the region. Ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and penalties.


The HR consultancy market in Dubai is competitive, with many established players offering a wide range of services. New entrants will need to differentiate themselves by offering unique services or specializing in niche markets.

Cultural Differences

Understanding and adapting to the cultural nuances of the Middle East is essential for success. HR consultancies must be sensitive to local customs and practices while maintaining international standards.


The cost of setting up and operating a business in Dubai can be high, particularly in prime locations. Careful financial planning and budgeting are necessary to ensure the sustainability of the business.

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Call +971 4 240 6939 for Obtaining an HR consultancy license in Dubai

Obtaining an HR consultancy license in Dubai is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and adherence to local regulations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the process more smoothly and set up a successful HR consultancy in one of the world’s most dynamic business environments.

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